
Full Season Subscriptions & Single Tickets at Granville Arts Center


Individual Live Stream Single Tickets

Concert VIII: MAY 13, 2023

Note: These live stream tickets are for the Saturday performance of our “sister” orchestra, the Las Colinas Symphony

Full Season Subscription Benefits


Option to view any concert live streamed

Preferred Seating

Get the best seats before single tickets go on sale

Ticket Banking Privileges

Subscribers who miss a performance can redeem tickets for extra seats at future concerts

Concert Exchange Privileges

Subscribers unable to attend Friday evening can enjoy the same program on Thursday at Symphony Arlington or Saturday at the Las Colinas Symphony

Tax Deduction Opportunities

If you miss a concert, you can release your seats and receive a tax deduction letter

Single Ticket Priority

Subscribers get first priority on the purchase of single tickets for all concerts

Ticket Insurance

Tickets will be replaced free of charge if lost or stolen

Outstanding Value

Subscriptions cost up to 31% less than single tickets. (Like getting two concerts for free!)

Mini Season Subscription Benefits

Flex Ticket Package Benefits

Teacher and Student Tickets

Ticket Pricing

All prices include IAC service fee.

Subscription Tickets A B C
Full Season (all 8 concerts) $230 $175 $110
Mini Season (pick any 4) $135 $97 $68
Flex (8 anytime tickets) $180 (best available seats)
Single Tickets $39 $28 $17